Dungeon Helper 4.0 Beta is now available!
During the solar eclipse, we have officially announced to the DDO community that Dungeon Helper 4.0 Beta (and this site) is now available for all.
If you’re interested in testing our latest features and improvements, please give our beta software a try. There will be some dragons, but please let us know of your difficulties or bugs in our community discord server: https://discord.gg/bfMZnbz
Major Improvements:
- New Plugin: Scooper.
- New Installer Package that includes a full install of .NET 8.0 and our 5 major plugins.
- Trove updates that include all bank information, auto-identification, local CSV export, and stored extended properties.
- AAF updates including Jumping followers, automated loot passing, All-Follow-Me button, new hotkeys, and enhanced follower options (and much more!).
- Mapster updates to show much more beneficial information, search for specific objects, and a map reload button.
- Many Major Framework Improvements, including a drastic drop in Memory footprint and CPU usage.
- Plugin Updating has been enhanced.
- A New Website with updated support information.